Post by Faridbak on May 27, 2009 3:06:28 GMT -3
Proximo Album
Fan: Axl do you really have 2 or 3 other albums of material?
For now we'll concentrate and keep our focus on this album but I will say I've always thought of it as a double.
Axl: "Por ahora nos concentraremos mantener nuestra atencion en este album, pero yo siempre he pensado en el como un disco doble"
Q: - the "next" album ,does it look like that one ? so different style ?
El proximo album se parece a este? o es un estilo diferente
El proximo album se parece a este? o es un estilo diferente
A: Not clear on the question exactly but I’ll take a shot… it’s a lot more different styles than on this one. As I’ve said it seems more like a double album to me meaning Chinese and the followup
No se exactamente si entiendo la pregutna. Pero a ver.... No es muy diferente en estilo que este. Como he dicho con anterioridad lo veo mas como un Album Doble lo que significa para me la continuacion de Chinese Democracy.
I know this is jumping the gun big time, but any tentative idea when you would like to see the next CD come out?
No, maybe same bat time, same bat channel next year but we'll have to see
La Cancion The Soul Monster
Hey Axl , whats your favourite song from either Chinese Democracy, or from an unreleased album?
Axl cual es tu cancion favorita de este album or el proximo album?
The bridge in "Elvis Presley and the Monster of Soul aka The Soul Monster (working title Leave Me Alone)" which will no doubt end up "Soul Monster".
I think it's r most Black Sabbath moment. Sang it on a Christmas eve. Imo the meanest section of anything I've sung to date. Which having said that I'm sure when it's heard others may disagree but we felt it was a Christmas card of unadulterated venom so to speak. I felt a lot better afterward.
I think it's r most Black Sabbath moment. Sang it on a Christmas eve. Imo the meanest section of anything I've sung to date. Which having said that I'm sure when it's heard others may disagree but we felt it was a Christmas card of unadulterated venom so to speak. I felt a lot better afterward.
El puetne en "Elvis Presley and the Monster of Soul" llamada "The Soul Monster" (nombre para trabajar Leave me Alone)" pero de seguro quedara solo como "Soul Monster"
Creo que nuestro momento mas "Black Sabath", la cante en una vispera de Navidad. En mi opinion la mas malvada seccion de cualquier cosa que he cantado hasta ahora. Lo cual dicho cuando la gente la escuche podran no estar deacuerdo pero crimos que era una tarjeta de navidad con puro veneno inadulterado por decir. Me senti mucho despues de cantarla.
Atlas Shrugged
Fan: Hey Axl, is the song Atlas Shrugged as epic as the book? Who is your favorite character from the book?
Hey Axl La cancion Atlas Shrugged sera tan epica como el libro?
Hey Axl La cancion Atlas Shrugged sera tan epica como el libro?
Axl: Song doesn't have all that much to do with the book other than trying to do what you believe in and a line about shoulders not being wide enough.
Axl: La cancion no tiene tanto que ver con el libro aparte de tratar de hacer las cosas en las que crees, hay una linea que menciona como Los Hombros no son lo hanchos suficientes.
Q: -Will Brian May appear on Atlas Shrugged?
Estara Brian May en Atlas Shrugged?
Estara Brian May en Atlas Shrugged?
A: Perhaps on an alternate or bits, on that track it has more to do with recording issues and getting the mix to a good level.
Axl: Quisa en una alernativa o en Bits, en esa cancion tiene que ver mas con cuestiones de grabacion y tratar de que la mezcla este en un buen nivel.
No es verdadero el titulo Checkmate
And Checkmate is a bogus title.
Axl:El titulo es falso
Quote from: dudecqd on Today at 11:14:14
Hi Axl,
is Silkworms on the next record?
It's a masterpiece.
Hola Axl, Estara la cancion Silkworms en el proximo album? es una obra maestra
Hi Axl,
is Silkworms on the next record?
It's a masterpiece.
Hola Axl, Estara la cancion Silkworms en el proximo album? es una obra maestra
has a lot of guitars, lots of different drum the chorus is gone.
Axl: Tiene muchas Guitarras, muchas diferentes bateria y el coro se fue.
Oh my God
Quote from: yorch on Today at 12:07:05
I love Oh my God, but it really sounds like a demo, why? I'm sure we all would love a new version.
Me encanta Oh My God, pero en realidad suena mas como un demo, Por que? Estoy seguro todos nos gustaria un a nueva version
I love Oh my God, but it really sounds like a demo, why? I'm sure we all would love a new version.
Me encanta Oh My God, pero en realidad suena mas como un demo, Por que? Estoy seguro todos nos gustaria un a nueva version
Because that's all it was, only at the time having just got it together only Jimmy Iovine knew that who wanted it to sell their soundtrack. I saw segments of the movie which were good. As a whole later not so much but it wasn't ready yet then. I did write an experimental piece inspired by the bits I'd seen called "Daddy Can the Devil do Mommy and me?"
Por que eso es lo que era (un demo), en aquel tiempo solo la habiamos armado solo Jimmy Iovine sabia quien queria bederle el sound track. Yo vi segmentos de la pelicula los cuales eran buenos. Y mas adelante no tan buenos pero La cancion o estaba lista entonces. Pero si hize una pieza inspirada en pedasitos llamada "Daddy can the Devil do Mommy and me?"
Q : -What does the future hold for 'OMG'?
A: There’s a remix w/lots of new vocals and a wilder guitar intro but it’s not taken all that seriously.
Axl:Hay un Remix con muchas vocales nuevas y una guitarra Wilder en la intro pero no la tomamos tan enserio
Titulos de Canciones por venir
Quote from: BringBackBrain on Today at 11:53:00
Axl, here's a list of rumored song titles. Can you tell us which ones are bogus and which ones are real?
Axl esta es un alista de titulos de canciones que se rumoran, Podrianos decirnos cuales son verdaderos y cualse falsos?
Ides Of March ('98), Oklahoma ('98), Atlas Shrugged ('99), Closing In On You ('99), Cock-A-Roach Soup ('99), Friend Or Foe ('99), Hearts Get Killed ('99), No Love Remains ('99), Oh My God ('99), Something Always ('99), Suckerpunched ('99), Zip It ('99), Silkworms ('00), Down By The Ocean ('01), Leave Me Alone ('02), Seven ('02), The General ('02), Thyme ('02), Quick Song ('05), Zodiac ('05), Motormouth ('06), We Were Lying ('06)
Axl, here's a list of rumored song titles. Can you tell us which ones are bogus and which ones are real?
Axl esta es un alista de titulos de canciones que se rumoran, Podrianos decirnos cuales son verdaderos y cualse falsos?
Ides Of March ('98), Oklahoma ('98), Atlas Shrugged ('99), Closing In On You ('99), Cock-A-Roach Soup ('99), Friend Or Foe ('99), Hearts Get Killed ('99), No Love Remains ('99), Oh My God ('99), Something Always ('99), Suckerpunched ('99), Zip It ('99), Silkworms ('00), Down By The Ocean ('01), Leave Me Alone ('02), Seven ('02), The General ('02), Thyme ('02), Quick Song ('05), Zodiac ('05), Motormouth ('06), We Were Lying ('06)
Ides Of March, Oklahoma, Atlas Shrugged, Oh My God, Silkworms , Down By The Ocean (Izzy), Leave Me Alone, Seven , The General , Thyme , Quick Song , Zodiac
Most all titles subject to change w/out warning and r considered working titles.
No plans on tour setlist as of now.
Ides Of March
Atlas Shrugged
Oh My God
Down By The Ocean (Izzy)
Leave Me Alone
The General
Quick Song
La mayoria de los titulos estan escpuestos a cambios sin o con aviso, son considerados "Working Titles" (algo como nombres para trabajar, como cuando ensayan etc)
The General
Quote from: dudecqd on Today at 12:13:56
coudl you tells us more about "The General"?
thank you.
Podrias decirnos mas de "The General"?
coudl you tells us more about "The General"?
thank you.
Podrias decirnos mas de "The General"?
You may have heard parts of it somewhere.
Axl:Es posible que la hayan escuchado partes en algun lado
Oklahoma ahora se llama BERLIN
Q:-What's a Riad/Bedouin and can you clarify for the last time if the song is Oklahoma or not?
Que hay de Riad/Bedouins pudes clarificar por ultima ves si es la cancion Ocklahoma o no?
Que hay de Riad/Bedouins pudes clarificar por ultima ves si es la cancion Ocklahoma o no?
A: Another one step at a time question! It’s not Oklahoma which later became Berlin and subject to change.
AxlEsa es otra pregunta de a pasito, NO ES Oklahoma la cual despues se convirtio en "Berlin" y sujeto a cambios.